How to build a terrarium
Bring a bit of nature into your home without needing a lot of space
Having a little nature in the home is always nice, isn’t it? We will show you that your garden doesn’t only have to be plant potted; a terrarium is also super cool and beautiful! And setting up a mini-garden like this is easier than it seems.
First, you need a vessel. It could be an aquarium, bought in specialized stores, or even a flower vase. For planting, succulents, which need little water, are recommended.
With the vessel in hand, make a base of granite-like pebbles. Then, open up small spaces and plant the succulents with a little fertilized soil.
With a small trowel or spoon, place the pebbles around the succulents so they are firmly in place. The number of plants will depend on the size of the container, ok?
Now, decorate with decorative stones, such as river pebbles, rock chips, pine bark or dolomite stones. And your terrarium is done!
To keep it looking beautiful, water it using a sprayer once or twice a week, wiping the inside of the vessel with a dry cloth or paper towel. And if you can, leave it near a window to absorb light and heat.
Visit our gardening section and check out everything you need to make your mterrarium beautiful!