How to hang pictures with no mistakes

Three ways to hang your favorite pictures on the wall

Pictures give environments a different look, don’t they? And in order for you to hang your favorites, we have prepared some tips on how to do this without leaving anything crooked or misaligned.

With the measuring tape, start by measuring the height of the picture and the distance you want it to be from other points on the wall, such as doors and furniture.
When the frame requires two or more fixation points, you also need to make sure they are aligned, which can easily be done with a level.

It is important to consider the distance between the top of the frame and the point the nail or screw rests. Once you have defined these points, mark them with a pencil.

After marking where the picture will be fixed, it is time to choose how to hang it; some options are screws, nails or tape. For the latter, simply stick pieces of tape to the internal part of the frame and fix it at the points defined in the first step of the process.

If you choose to use nails, you will need them and a hammer. Carefully place the nail over the pencil markings, with the head slightly bent upward, and hammer firmly.

For fixation with screws, you will need a drill, bits, bushings and screws. Start by drilling the hole with the drill, place the bushing with the aid of pliers and then screw in with a screwdriver.

So, do you already know which picture you will hang first?

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