How to plant tomatoes at home
Growing one of the world’s favorite natural ingredients gives your recipe another flavor, learn how to make it.
Tomato is one of the most loved natural ingredients around the world and is present in most kitchens. Whether natural, tempered or in sauces, this ingredient is known for its versatility and health benefits.
However, the tomato flavor can be even more special when grown at home. The cultivation of tomatoes is simple and, with a few steps that we are going to teach you here, you can have your own vegetable garden adapted to your space.
1) Choose the place
Whether living in a house or apartment, it is possible to plant tomatoes, as the seeds can be grown in small plant pots or beds, not requiring much space to develop. Having the right tools for home planting will make the job even easier.
2) Right time for plant
Tomato is a plant that develops better in areas with temperatures between 20 °C and 26 °C. However, even in colder seasons, it is possible to grow tomato plants from 15 °C. If your city does not reach these temperatures, you can build small greenhouses.
3) Know the direction of the sun
Tomato plants need full sunlight for at least six hours a day. Therefore, choose a location in your home or apartment that receives sun for an extended period.
4) Start with plant pots
We recommend that you make small tomato seedlings before putting them in the ground. When sowing, place two to five seeds in each hole, plant the seedling and then transport them directly to the ground. If you are growing smaller tomatoes, you can plant them directly in plant pots or planters. Self-watering planter are a great option, as they help to keep the moisture in the tomato plant in the right measure.
5) In soil and water
Compost and fertilizers are welcome, but it is important not to overdo it. Line the plant pot with compost and place the seeds. After four to five leaves have grown, you can transplant the seedlings into soil if you prefer. Watering the seedlings every morning is ideal. As they grow, water three times a week.
6) What about the harvest?
Cultivation varies from 90 to 120 days. In a short period of time, you will have fresh food straight from your backyard to your table! You will know when tomatoes are mature by watching the fruit change color.
Did you like the tips? So, get to work, because using a tomato harvested from your own cultivation will bring a special flavor to your recipes. Give it a try and enjoy the pleasure of having fresh ingredients at your disposal.