Leave your pantry organized with a magic container
We have prepared a step-by-step approach to keeping cabinets and shelves tidy for longer
An organized home inspires a feeling of accomplishment and leaves time to enjoy the home itself. Ah, peace! If you need to clean up the mess in your kitchen pantry, but are discouraged by the thought of heaps of packages, this content is for you! We have put together step-by-step instructions with tips that simplify tidying up so that it becomes possible and stays possible for longer. Shall we?
- Take everything out of the cabinets to see the amount of products you have stored.
- Sort through them, checking the expiration date of foods and disposing of everything that is expired.
- Check whether open products are properly stored. Transparent jars make all the difference for this.
- Use labels to write product names and expiration dates so you can find them easily.
- With everything identified, separate the food by categories, such as grains/non-perishables (flour, beans, rice), beverages (water, milk, juices), herbs, sweets and cookies. If you prefer, create custom categories that make the most sense to you. For example, by meal, organizing a breakfast basket with coffee, chocolate milk, sugar and sweetener, granola, cookies, etc.
- Store the products you use most often first so that they fill the spaces at eye level. And keep the products closest to expiring up front so that they can be consumed first.
- Leave the heavier supplies, such as water, juice, milk and soft drinks, lower down or even on the pantry floor.
- Use containers in cabinets and shelves to hold smaller packages such as sachets.
- Keep a grocery list in the pantry so that you are always up-to-date when you go shopping.
That’s it! Now just focus on maintaining your order. To keep impressing with organization, include solutions that go beyond cabinets and shelves.