Take advantage of the autumn to increase your contact with nature

The transition season between summer and winter is favorable for taking care of the garden

Autumn is a transition period from the heat of summer before we face the cold of winter. If the high temperatures at the beginning of the year invite us to outdoor activities, the mild weather of the second quarter is perfect for preparing for introspection in the colder half of the year.

The classic scene of leaves falling from the trees and covering gardens in shades of yellow and red also marks the end of one cycle and the beginning of another in nature. Without going through this change, trees probably would not survive the following season.

So, why not take advantage of this beautiful and inspiring period to get in touch with nature and contribute to this renewal? Rake up the fallen leaves and take care of your little green corner: pay attention to fertilizing and pruning for cleanliness and growth, transplanting plants from pots, planters and plant pot holders to larger containers, removing weeds from the soil and maintaining your garden tools.

You can set the leaves aside and shred them, composting them to generate organic fertilizer or create decorative pieces!

After they are cleared and dry, let the leaves become raw material for your imagination! For example, you can create an arrangement with them in the form of a bouquet by wrapping the leaves with longer stems in a piece of brown paper in a plant pot, or place them in a series of small frames and create a wall dedicated to autumn!

Did you enjoy these tips? Now you can let your imagination run wild and bring the best of the cold weather into your home or office.

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