Children’s gardening – Plant learning, harvest fun

With activities involving planting and harvesting, children learn from an early age to value the environment and healthy food.

Enjoying sunny days outdoors with children is great for the whole family, but little ones, always eager for new games, look for ways to spend all their energy in a healthy way.

An excellent alternative is to invite children to take care of plants and gardens, coming into direct contact with nature and learning the importance of the environment from an early age. Furthermore, the activities stimulate new knowledge and can be done together with adults. 

The habit of planting and cultivating, in addition to being fun, also creates a sense of responsibility in children. After all, they closely follow the development of plants, which is nourishing in every way, because when it comes to small vegetable gardens, they still bring a taste for natural, healthy and varied food, with the inclusion of fresh fruits, vegetables and seasonings.

The selection of tools 

For activities to become safe and enjoyable, it is necessary to be careful when choosing tools. They must be resistant, safe and visually attractive, to make the moment playful and joyful.

It is essential to always have an adult nearby to assist and monitor children during activities. With this in mind Tramontina has put together some product tips to make children’s play more practical, fun and safe:

Plastic tools: trowels to plant some seeds or seedlings and hand garden forks to stir and turn the earth. These tools are very versatile and can be used both in plant pots and external gardens.

Cocoon garden sets: composed of four pieces for different garden care, they are light and easy to handle. Due to their small size, they are great options for maintaining plant pots and flower boxes, especially for children.


Watering cans: light and with a modern design, they are made of green plastic (sugar cane). Its compact size streamlines handling by children and allows for use both in the backyard and in a mini apartment garden.


Sprayers: just planting is not enough; it is necessary to ensure that the plants grow strong and healthy. Available in different sizes, the sprayers are used to apply foliar fertilizers, organic solutions and also to humidify plants.

Remember: the sooner children get involved in activities related to nature, the sooner they can assimilate values pertinent to the environment and its preservation. Plus, growing, harvesting, and eating what they planted is a delicious way to encourage them to adopt healthy and mindful eating habits. Let’s enjoy the sun and create unforgettable moments with the children!

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