Serve4 to 6 servings

Time10 to 15 minutes


A dessert to please all tastes: creamer brigadeiro

Write down the recipe for this easy and delicious dessert

This is one of those desserts that pleases all tastes. Especially for those who can’t wait for the sweet to come out of the sauce pan to enjoy it. The list of ingredients is simple, but the flavor beats many elaborate desserts. The brigadeiro became famous in the 1940s when condensed milk became popular with rationing imposed during the Second World War. More than 80 years later, the sweet is one of the most beloved.

At the right point, the brigadeiro becomes shiny and creamy. Did your mouth water? So, let’s prepare this delicious treat! Write it down:


1 can of sweetened condensed milk
3 tablespoons of chocolate powder
1 tablespoon of butter
1/2 can of cream without serum

Preparation method

Heat the condensed milk, chocolate powder and butter over medium heat in a sauce pan, stirring constantly, until it thickens (when it starts to come away from the bottom).
Off the heat, add the cream until it reaches the desired consistency, remembering that after cooling the mixture becomes more compact naturally.

You can let the mixture cool before adding the cream. In this case, the cream will bring a less elastic and firm texture to the brigadeiro, making it possible to eat it with a spoon.
Distribute in pots or cups and serve decorated with sprinkles or grated chocolate.

That’s it! In addition to being easy to make, the creamer brigadeiro is a delicious option to serve at parties, for the family or to enjoy alone in a moment of your own.

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